Listening and Obeying

It’s not uncommon for Christians to view life through institutional lenses to the point where we believe that disciples need the ‘institution’ more than they need a direct, close, Spirit-led relationship with Jesus. Let me suggest that it is Biblical…

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Discipleship : Where you start is important

Discipleship is more than being a believer. The Greek word translated “disciple” means “follower.” A disciple was a person who invested their life living with and learning from someone and then spreading that experience to others. When the word discipleship…

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From Religion To Life

Discipling others may have its challenges but it’s also fun as we watch the Holy Spirit interact with people and take them on their unique journey with Him. Hieu and Duyen are a young professional couple from Vietnam who have…

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From Resistance To Belonging

We are often asked to give specific illustrations of the ‘how’ of the discipleship journey. If you have read As You Go…Make Disciples or Making Disciples in the 21st Century, you will know that we have outlined some historical factors…

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Breaking the Cycle

About 18 months ago I posted a Blog that outlined something of my discipleship journey with reference to a story from the beginning of my ministry. Since it was released it has been viewed and read a large number of…

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Christ and Culture

H. Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture is one of the most significant theological and missiological works of the 20th century, offering a categorisation of the ways Christians have related to culture throughout history. Even though most Christian leaders have read Christ…

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What’s wrong with simplifying the Good News

Throughout most of Christian history the introduction of the Good News to individuals took time and emphasised its relational and holistic nature. After the 1950’s, the Church was confronted by a new generation that was looking for quick change and…

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Make Disciples of “all the ethnos”

Our modern English words ethnic and ethnicity come from the Greek word “ethnos” which means people groups. When Jesus told His disciples to make disciples of “all the nations” (Matthew 28:19), he wasn’t referring to political or geographic nations. He…

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Is Our Focus of Influence Logical?

Logic says that Jesus should have spent the vast majority of his time concentrating on the crowds. After all, he was only going to be on earth for a short time, and the masses had so many needs. Yet of…

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