Disciple of Jesus, Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Author, Husband and Father.
This blog is no different from any other in that it is influenced by the historical journey of the author. So here is a brief account of my story…
My background was completely non-churched but after encountering Jesus in my late teens, I became actively involved in a local church. Following the birth of our first child, my wife Judith and I entered into five years of Theological Training. My local ministry journey included the roles of Youth Pastor, Senior Pastor, College Principal and Lecturer, and Executive Pastor in a Megachurch. For the last twenty years I have worked beside denominations, ministries and leaders as a coach/consultant/trainer.
Even though I personally didn’t undergo a clear discipleship journey (it has been a slow personal learning journey) I have always had a strong desire to disciple. I honestly can’t see how the younger generations are going to navigate their way in an uncertain world if they are not firmly grounded, well established disciples of Jesus. We need to leave behind the “making converts” mindset of the 20th century and reconnect with the “making disciples” commission of Jesus.
Over the last five years, I have been significantly challenged as I’ve worked both with younger leaders and those seeking to transition their churches/groups to discipleship in our ever-increasing neo-pagan world. This is becoming the larger portion of my ministry.