Updated and Republished Version
As we move further into this current century, we need to revisit the words of Jesus to “Make Disciples’. When we encounter the words disciple or discipleship, we interpret these words through our individual set of glasses or our way of viewing reality. The aim of this book is to broaden that reality by looking at this area through a different set of lenses. This will inevitably cause some discomfort and disorientation for a time until we adjust and discover our view is now clearer. My hope is that the Holy Spirit will grab your attention and engage your heart as you consider the continuous whole of life response of a person to Jesus Christ.
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1 x Copy $15.50 each – 10 x Copies $14.85 each – 50 copies x $13.20 each (Prices valid until the 17/01/2020 and include GST and postage if ordered direct from admin@resourcezone.com.au)
What people are saying about the Author and ‘As You Go: Make Disciples’
Colin Noyes is one of the sharpest international leaders I know. His insights into the field of discipleship are well-researched and honest, and he does a great job of challenging us to see it through fresh eyes. Eminently practical, As You Go, Make Disciples gives you the tools you need to move forward.
Dr. Bob Logan, church planter, author and coach. USA
Having a clear idea about discipleship and how it is embedded into the life of the church is one of the critically important issues in becoming the people-movement that Jesus intended us to be. Colin has produced a needed introduction to this very topic in his latest book.
Alan Hirsch, Award winning author on mission and discipleship Founder of Forge Missional Training Network and 100Movements
This new book by Colin Noyes is a great addition to the thought stream flowing today in regards to discipleship. The book gives valid, helpful advice to pastors and leaders looking for insight into the practical steps for implementing a discipleship pathway in their church. The commission of Christ to His Church is to “make disciples” and this book is a very good tool for those seeking to obey Jesus.
Tom Johnston, Executive Director. The Praxis Center for Church Development
You can’t put a logo on it and it isn’t trendy, but we can no longer ignore the fact that discipleship is at the core of all we must be as a church. Colin has spent many years asking powerful questions, uncovering our diverse understanding and practice of discipleship. I join Colin in declaring, it truely is time we unlocked its multiplication potential and embrace discipleship as a fundamental activity of a sent people.
Rev. Dr. John McElroy. Direrctor, Southern Cross Association of Churches, Perth, Australia.
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